найдено 359 товара
Арт.: Э0001133
Cinemeccanica Pliers to move the film
Cinemeccanica Pliers to move the film
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Арт.: Я0003387
Cinemeccanica Port hole D02280
Cinemeccanica D02280 Port hole with 400x200mm glass Проекционное окно 400x200мм
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Арт.: 00033643
Cinemeccanica Punch for oil seal mounting
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Арт.: Я0003398
Cinemeccanica Radio-frequency double signal V00290
Cinemeccanica Radio-frequency double signal pick-off V00290 Двойной индукционный датчик меток
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Арт.: 00033561
Cinemeccanica Rectifier Model N3-150 400V 50Hz
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Арт.: 00033563
Cinemeccanica Rectifier Model N3-180 400V 50Hz
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Арт.: 00033536
Cinemeccanica Reverse scan/digital reader
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Арт.: Я0003385
Cinemeccanica Set of arms and swivel roller
Cinemeccanica Set of arms and swivel rollers for 35mm less clutches, Комплект держателей и роликов для 35 mm пленки без зажимов
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Арт.: 00033551
Cinemeccanica set of two arms and swivel rollers
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Арт.: Я0003390
Cinemeccanica three-lens turret D06993
Cinemeccanica Simplified automatic three-lens turret (70.6mm dia.)(no remote focus control) 50/60Hz D06993 Полуавтоматическая трехлинзовая турель (без дистанционного управления фокусом)
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Арт.: 00001226
Cinemeccanica SUNNYSCREEN "FX'' screen w/edge mq a
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Арт.: Я0003395
Cinemeccanica SUNNYSCREEN "FX" 9.90 X 4.29 V01000
Cinemeccanica SAC-1294 60x50x35 SUNNYSCREEN "FX" screen w/edge and hook grommets-pearl type- 9.90 X 4.29mt V01000 Экран 9.9х4.29м
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